He's the Monkey of the zodiac. Ritsu has a very low self-esteem and is often seen apologizing for everything. He dresses like a female because he feels that cross-dressing calms him down. Her... I mean, his cross dressing routine makes other people mistake him as a woman. Ritsu has a long hair and has freakishly convincing beauty for a man. Ritsu often blames things on himself that have nothing to do with him, and occasionally becomes suicidal. He has an odder quirk of having some sort of "special" spot on his side that, when pressed, makes him keel over and faint. His parents always had to apologize for everything he did, so he is very unsure of himself. He feels that every day, he is robbing the world's air by breathing. His Mom is Mesho Sohma. The host of Sohma Hotsprings.
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Sunday, June 24, 2007 dig in!
SWEET HEAVENS FROM ABOVE!! Gomen nasai! I'm sorry for the lack of updates. It's been months and months and months and months since my last update! IN FACT, IT HAS BEEN A YEAR ALREADY! GOMEN NASAI!!!! THIS WILL NOT DO!! wept silently at 7:08 PM |