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He's the Monkey of the zodiac. Ritsu has a very low self-esteem and is often seen apologizing for everything.

He dresses like a female because he feels that cross-dressing calms him down. Her... I mean, his cross dressing routine makes other people mistake him as a woman. Ritsu has a long hair and has freakishly convincing beauty for a man.

Ritsu often blames things on himself that have nothing to do with him, and occasionally becomes suicidal. He has an odder quirk of having some sort of "special" spot on his side that, when pressed, makes him keel over and faint.

His parents always had to apologize for everything he did, so he is very unsure of himself. He feels that every day, he is robbing the world's air by breathing.

His Mom is Mesho Sohma. The host of Sohma Hotsprings.


October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
March 2006
April 2006
October 2006
June 2007
May 2009
June 2009
April 2010
April 2011
July 2011
August 2011
December 2011
November 2012
February 2013

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wallpaper by: ms rae
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The Blog of Ritsu Sohma...

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

tomorrow's objective

Should it matter if I make chocolates for tomorrow? Well, I'm going to give them to Miitsuru-san. I'm sure she's too busy to make chocolates, knowing Shigure-niisan. I'm sure she'll be surprised. But but... I don't intend to disturb her from work. I just want to meet with her. Even if I have to commute there. Hmm... now that I think about it, there's no time to make chocolates! How can I be stupid?! Simply stupid! Wait wait... calm down. It's not the end of the world yet. Of course! I can just buy chocolates! I can also buy flowers! That wouldn't be weird at all. Consider it as a gift, yeah? It's just a gift. It's not a big deal. Now let's see, how much money do we have?

wept silently at 8:28 PM

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

final bound

It's funny how I wrote about how I'm motivated to go back to college in November, when the term's almost ending. And here I am. It's the 26th, and it's my last class. Today was just a review class for the final exam. I feel a bit sad, because it means that we're going to go on our separate ways. The professor is such a good professor and my classmates have been really nice. It's been fun. And I hope my grade's the same: Fun to look at. And not funny to look at.

Before leaving the classroom, I tried to ask a few of my classmates' names and their planned courses. Maybe we're taking the same subjects next term. I wasn't surprised that they don't really remember my name, even though we've been working in group activities. I'm not bothered. But it turned out that a few of my classmates and I are taking the same subjects.

Let's not forget that Christmas is coming. My last exam is December 17. I simply can't wait. No. What am I saying? I haven't even studied yet. For the meantime, I guess the worry, the stress, and the anxiety in between are there for me to enjoy.

wept silently at 7:25 PM

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

the sky is the limit

I found my motivation to go back to college, because I've finally made up my mind. In the past, I have been hesitating because I was belittling myself. Which made me start hating myself. But it's a simple thought that sparked my mind. I will not finish anything if I don't start anything. Hence, I will not find my identity. The irony is, I think I know who I am and I know what I want in life. I'm just afraid of this world. I'm afraid to lose. But winners don't mean that they always win. In sports, the best teams also lose, and so losing is just part of the game. Being hurt too is part of the game of life. I think mom and dad will be proud of me. That's what's important. A degree is something to be proud of. I will finish this.

When I take a look around at other people, take for example Kyo-kun, they're breaking out of their mold. I never knew that Kyo-kun and Kagura-san would travel together. Yup. Together. I heard it from Shigure-niisan. He also said that both of them had quite of a good time. I didn't want to dig any further, because my imagination might run wild, but I never thought to see the day Kagura-san and Kyo-kun would do something out of their usual selves. Something fresh perhaps. It makes me happy. I ask myself, what can I do further? Maybe I should ask Uo-san about it.

It's been almost a year, huh? But yes, I'm still alive. And I will continue to do this.

wept silently at 6:17 PM

Sunday, December 11, 2011

the keys are the key

It was my own will. It's from my own initiation. I've told mom and dad that I would be studying how to play the keyboard. Everyone was so surprised that mom called Shigure-san immediately. I don't know why she picked Shi-han to call, but mom made the right choice. Shigure-niisan said that he'd look for a tutor right away. I was amazed that he has such a big circle, I mean to think that he knows a keyboard tutor that's willing to teach me how to play for free. I've spoken to him, the tutor, over the phone and I've told sensei that I'm willing to pay per hour. Instead, he wouldn't hear of it and my sensei insists that he'd teach me for free. It's unheard of! And he's even willing to bring over a keyboard. That way, I wouldn't even have to buy my own keyboard. I'm planning to play Christmas carols this Christmas. Maybe I'll even entertain the guests that would visit here on Christmas. Unfortunately, the family decided not to close during that day. Some people had already reserved. And you know how we love to apologize, so my goal is to learn how to play before Christmas. Maybe perhaps throw an impromptu concert? I'm sorry! I'm getting ahead of myself.

wept silently at 7:31 PM

Sunday, August 21, 2011


Mom and dad said that I can take the break for August. Even when the hotspring gets really busy during August, they insisted. I wanted to help them. It wasn't any trouble at all. But I think they figure out that I was having a bit of a problem figuring out what I plan on doing this coming fall. And so they wanted me to take a break and take time for myself.

I went to visit Shigure-san today. To my surprise, I found out that he went to a trip with other Sohma family. Come to think of it, Kagura-san and Haru are also with them.

"Wow. They're on a trip?" I asked after Yuki made me come inside.

"Yeah. They actually left around early in the morning. I could hear Shigure's eagerness like a high school girl while I was still in bed." grumbled Yuki.

"How long will they be away?"

"Hmm... I think they'll be away for a month." said Yuki and we walked to the kitchen. I saw Rin-chan making breakfast. And Kisa-chan was also helping. I was really surprised.

"Yo." greeted Rin.

"G- good morning. It looks like you're going to have a party."

"Looks like it. We're actually sleeping over." said Rin.

"For tonight?"

"For August. Tohru-san, Hiro and Kyo stepped out to buy ingredients." she smiled. From then on, I think I knew what I wanted to do for my break.

wept silently at 1:00 PM